Perimenopause Explained

Perimenopause is a phase during which your body makes a transition towards menopause. This phase affects women in their 40s and generally lasts up to 4 years, but it is important to note that it can also affect women in their mid to late 30s and can continue for up to 10 years.

Unlike a regular menstrual cycle, whereby oestrogen and progesterone rise and fall in a consistent pattern, in perimenopause your ovaries can be erratic and unpredictable, leading to symptoms such as hormonal imbalance, irritability, night sweats, heavy and painful periods and even adult acne. It is important to note, however, while you are in this transitional phase, you can still ovulate, and still conceive.

In terms of managing the perimenopause, I advocate a holistic approach.

Firstly women should address diet and exercise. Diet plays a crucial role when it comes to our hormones, and not eating right can be extremely detrimental. Eating oestrogen rich foods, taking Omega3, Calcium, Vitamin D and E, will all contribute to a healthy hormonal state.

Other supplements to consider are the ‘Wild Nutrition,’ premenstrual complex,  a supplement formulated uniquely for women and full of nutrient-rich food complex that are quickly absorbed by the body and ‘Agnus Castus,’ a plant based formula derived from the fruit and seeds from a shrub located in the Mediterranean and Central Asia, which helps combat PMS symptoms and lumpy breast tissue.

‘Bioidentical Hormones,’ are an alternative to conventional hormone therapy, and are a plant based product that is structurally similar to hormones produced by the body - this product is often most effective when customised to the individual, and can come in topical cream form, or as tablets or lozenges.

Exercise is also key as it will help with bloating and relieving PMS cramping, as well as improving mood and sleep.
If you have tried all of the above and are still having issues, I would suggest booking in for a consultation, whereby I can better understand your symptoms and suggest some blood tests. However, you could also see your GP or another doctor that specialises in hormonal issues.